About Me

Jacob of Jacob Bailey Gaming

My name is Jacob Bailey, I am an autistic lad with a passion for film/media production, video editing, and the outdoors.

With my mum and sister, I have several YouTube channels that I help manage and make videos for, and I have two channels of my own too; Jacob Bailey Gaming, and Jacob Bailey Plus.

Jacob Bailey Gaming was my main project for nearly three years. I adored it with every fibre of my being, and I’m very proud of how far it went. I retired it in late 2023, and decided to focus on other projects. I have a full page focusing on the milestones I passed, and the parts of that channel I enjoyed doing/learned from (Click HERE to read more about it).

Jacob Bailey Plus is my newest channel, and it is dedicated to all the other stuff I get up to. There isn’t much of a commonality between the videos that I post on there other than; I liked it, so I made it. Videos I upload can be anything from car shows I’ve been to with my family, to doing a sped up walkthrough building Lego models of mine, to bike rides with my sister.

I do really enjoy videography, and I like taking on the role of “director” whenever I’m doing something creative via media. I’m interested in becoming better at graphic design and hoping to become fluent in using Photoshop.

My family and I have a boat (called Firefly), that we are currently in the process of restoring. We document our progress on our family YouTube channel, ‘Baileys Int’ Wild‘. We will eventually upload videos of us sailing Firefly, and if all goes well, we’ll get to upload videos of our adventures in other places. I’m looking forward to that.

Just like my family does, I adore the outdoors and being outside. I love going on bike rides with my big sister, Cerys, and I love going for walks with my Mum as it’s a great time for me to practice my photography skills alongside her. I have an irrational fear of the ocean, but I’m working on conquering it, since it’s another beautiful place to explore. Plus, I live pretty close to the sea anyway, so why not?

I also have an interest in music, which tends to runs in my family. I like mixing tracks, and creating my own dance mixes. I am quite new to it, but I enjoy it a lot. I reckon it’s a hobby I’ll be leaning into.

This website is my own personal website to showcase all the wonderful things I get up to, alongside my family. From videography and photography, to exploring outdoors, to showing off all the fascinating and incredible cars I see on my journey. I’m excited to have you here with me.


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